Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

  • Navigating Multimodal Communication in the Digital Learning Landscape

    In contemporary education, the digital learning environment emerges as a key arena for multimodal communication, deeply influencing both learners and educators. This environment encompasses a range of platforms, such as online learning systems, educ...More

  • Update: Embracing the Potential of Automated Essay Scoring

    In the landscape of literacies assessment, automated essay scoring (AES) emerges as a transformative technology, offering efficient evaluation of writing proficiency through automated algorithms. AES works by analyzing various linguistic features an...More

  • Update: Harnessing the Potential of Digital Literacy Assessments

    In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the assessment of literacy skills has seen a significant shift towards digital platforms and technologies. One such method gaining traction is computer-adaptive testing (CAT), a dynamic assessment approac...More

  • Unveiling the Transformative Power of Mathematical Literacies

    In the realm of education, the power of literacies extends beyond just language and literacy learning; it profoundly influences various academic domains, including mathematics. Mathematics, often regarded as a language in itself, relies on a myriad...More

  • History Through the Lens of Infographics: Unveiling the Past with Visual Literacies

    Imagine a classroom not filled with dense textbooks, but vibrant infographics. Charts bursting with color depict troop movements, timelines unfurl like dynamic tapestries, and historical figures materialize through detailed illustrations. This is hi...More

  • Decoding the School Play: A Multimodal Exploration

    Imagine the school auditorium buzzing with anticipation. The curtains rise, revealing an elaborate set design – a towering castle for the upcoming play. But the communication extends far beyond spoken words. Lighting casts an eerie glow, costumes wh...More

  • Storytelling Comes Alive: Digital Storytelling and the Power of Voice

    Digital storytelling offers a captivating example of how educators can connect audio and oral meanings to reading and writing, fostering a multimodal learning experience. This approach goes beyond simply presenting information; it allows students to...More

  • Bridging the Gap: Audiobooks and the Multimodal Learning Experience

    Audiobooks, the marriage of spoken word and written text, offer a compelling example of how educators can connect audio and oral meanings to reading and writing, fostering a multimodal learning experience. Let's delve into a specific practice and ex...More

  • From Sketch to Story: Unlocking Figurative Language Through Artistic Expression

    Art education offers a unique approach to literacy by locating linguistic meanings in the context of spatial arrangements and visual representations. One specific practice, exploring figurative language through artistic expression, allows students t...More

  • Shaping Stories with Movement: Exploring Spatial Literacy in Drama Education

    Drama education offers a unique pedagogical practice that locates linguistic meanings in the context of spatial, tactile, and gestural meanings. It goes beyond memorizing lines and reciting scripts; it's about using the body and movement to explore...More