Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Learnig a new genre...

Genre is a very big theme in linguistics and the discussions extend much more when it comes to teaching genres. There are multiple, if not infinite genres, some easily recognizable and others not so. The "text" might be a hybrid, so classifying the genres is also a difficult task sometimes. Whe have many fields which demand specific genres and we are also trained to write and read new genres on a daily basis. For example, we read recipes, write directions, shopping lists, e-mails, tweets, facebook posts and comments and whatsapp messages. These are genres that we learn by socializing. Nevertheless, the "institutionalized" genres are not that easy to learn. I´m going to report on my own experience on writing my master´s dissertation.

Here in Brazil, the first step for the masters is writing a project. This consists on what you plan to research and how you plan to do it. So, the project itself is a plan what you´re going to write over the two future years. There is a template on how to write the project. Then you take a written test on the requested literature. 

Once you enter the program, the supervisor revises your project for the next step which is called "colloquium". At this point, two other professors have revised your project and made suggestions. The students also makes an oral presentation. Only then the writing of the dissertation begins.

The supervisor defines the amount you should be writing, and if you´re lucky like I was, the supervisor really reviews your work. So, one chapter might go back and forth many times or even completely removed. 

The beginning is very painful, especially if you have never done such academic writing before. Reading other dissertations at the program´s site was also a very big help to get acquainted to the genre. The full texts are available at the site .One very useful suggestion that my supervisor made was to, from the start, write following the university´s chosen form. These are available on the following links:

When you have completed about 80% of your work, the next step is called "qualification". At this point, two professors read your work and again make suggestions. After two years, you are to complete the dissertation in the format required. There is a final presention to two professors or the researched area who read your work. They too make final suggestions. You are free to accept or not. After the final changes, you publish three copies of the dissertation(the cover and font color are also specified) and hand them in to the program.

As many might think it is a lonely work, it actually involves many people and a lot of interaction between colleagues, supervisor, other professors and even people from other states and coutries. 

As some simpler genres we might learn on what we might call a natural basis, other, more complicated genres might demand more rigid form and rules. Nevertheless, they only happen if there is interaction and a dialogic movement.

  • Ilyes Haidara