Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Collaboration of Teachers, Students and Parents as a Form of Effort to Implement Literacy Strategies for Differentiated Students

Literacy strategies for differentiated students are approaches that take into account individual differences in the ability to read, write, and understand text. Differentiated students have diverse needs, both in terms of ability levels, learning styles, interests and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, effective literacy strategies for differentiated students must be flexible, take this diversity into account, and be adaptable to individual needs.

One effective strategy is a differentiation approach in literacy learning. This approach involves the use of a variety of methods, materials, and resources that can be tailored to each student's needs and interests. For example, teachers can provide a variety of reading material choices that suit students' ability levels and interests, such as books, articles, or short videos.

Apart from that, providing targeted and specific feedback is also an important strategy in literacy for differentiated students. Teachers can provide individualized feedback to help students improve their reading and writing skills according to their individual needs. Appropriate feedback can help students understand areas where they need to improve their literacy skills and provide clear direction on how to improve.

Collaboration between teachers, students, and parents is also an important component of effective literacy strategies for differentiated students. Teachers can work together with students and parents to identify individual student needs and interests, and develop appropriate learning plans. Involving parents in the literacy learning process can also help create a supportive environment at home that strengthens learning at school.

Apart from that, the use of technology in literacy learning can also support student differentiation. Digital learning applications and platforms can be tailored to students' ability levels and interests, and provide a wide range of interesting and relevant content.

By implementing these strategies effectively, teachers can help ensure that all students, including differentiated students, have equal opportunities to develop strong literacy skills and become competent readers and writers.

Sumber : Pratama, A. (2022). Strategi Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Membaca Pemahaman Siswa. Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar, 6(2), 605-626.