Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Focusing on a Curriculum Area in the Academic Knowledge; Science

In general, whenever we think of any general curriculum area not only focuses on literacy/languange in any lerning means; In fact, within the curriculum area, there are also literacy within the academic knowledge. Whenever we hear of academics, we thinked of the core subjects/academics; Mathematics, Social Sciences, History, Philosophy, and so forth.

These academics can be a necessity as it generally enlisted under the core curriculum within the education system. Stauffer (2020) defines that curriculum is a collection of academic lessons and assessments that are mainly taught in schools overall. One academic example I have in mind is Science, learning this core curriculum since elementary is rather intriguing yet interesting as science tends to learn general knowledge about the ecosystem, our body, the universe, and such; Additionally, this academic curriculum tends to have a systematic and logical approach as we learn deeply into the core curriculum, resulting in discovering how the universe works, Even more so, learning the body of knowledge that can acumalate within new discoveries about the universe (Bradford & Hamer, 2022). Sciece falls in a category wherein it also has branches/fields under this curriculum, for instance a field that I want to focus on is Chemistry

Chemistry focuses on the study of matter, wherein it mainly deals with the properties, compositions, and structure of matter in general. Learning chemistry can be a great challenge excluding some who are into chemistry, as it requires a coherent explanation that mainly focuses of its complex behaviour, in such on how properties interact to different substances (Usselman & Rocke, 2023). Illustrating literacies on Chemistry are plausible, as there are several literacies that can represent; Lab Reports. Chemists needs literacies in writing a well-structured lab report that documents experimental prcedures, results, and conclusion to replicate and verify its findings.


Bradford, A., & Hamer, A. (2022). Science and the scientific method: Definitions and examples.

Stauffer, B. (2020, January 7). What is a curriculum and how do you make one? Applied-Educational-Systems.

Usselman, M. C., & Rocke, A. J. (2023, September 23). Chemistry | Definition, Topics, Types, history, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.