Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

The Usage of Gestural and Spatial Meanings in Pedagogical Pratice

Spatial, Tactile, and Gestural are some of the three components that are commonly used in pedagogical practices not just in educational means but also in a day-to-day basis.

These three multimodal communications differ from one another; Spatial communication is when the physical space in order to convey an information, this mainly relates to the environment around to communicate (e.g. talking with a friend group in a circle). Tactile is mainly a physical touch towards other people to convey any information and mainly emotions; These vary depending on the context of the said physical contact and meaning to it (e.g. hugging, handshakes). Gestural, as the name implies is where it involves the use of hand and body movements or gestures in communicating; Furthermore, since Gestural uses hand and body movements, this also means its a non-verbal communication (e.g. thumbs up, facial expressions).

Fillmore (2016) mentions how its best to communicate with others to indicate a meaning and information, along with the delibaration in movements, gestures, and the proximity while communicating. Other than that, among these three communication in an educatioanal background, In my opinion, I'd say gestural and spatial are some of the communications that most and often used during classes. In an article from Reeves (2018), using gestures can especially make the students comprehend the lectures more as it can strengthen their visual aid. Along with speaking, using hand gestures, and moving around can make the students intrigued by the lectures, resulting in an emphasis and vitality. Spatial is another one that teachers often use in terms of activities that involves group works. Furthermore, teachers who are providing this, can make the students representation more suitable for the group tasks; Having to go into groups and brainstorming can be understood for both our location and orientation (Ishikawa & Newcombe, 2021)


Fillmore, A. (2016, August 1). Multi-Modal communication: writing in five modes. Pressbooks.

Ishikawa, T., & Newcombe, N. S. (2021). Why spatial is special in education, learning, and everyday activities. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1).

Reeves, V. (2018). Importance of gestures.