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My experience with approaches to learning to write

Throughout my journey of both learning and teaching, I've had the privilege to engage with diverse approaches to learning how to write effectively. Among these, three distinct frameworks stand out: traditional grammar, functional grammar, and the grammar of multiliteracies. These approaches have shaped my understanding of the intricate art of writing and have influenced my pedagogical practices in unique ways.

The traditional grammar approach, a cornerstone of writing instruction for decades, emphasizes the mechanics and structure of language. It delves into sentence structure, parts of speech, and grammatical rules. For instance, learning about subjects, verbs, and objects assists in constructing coherent and grammatically correct sentences. While this approach instills foundational grammatical knowledge, it sometimes falls short in helping learners apply these rules in real-life writing situations.

On the other hand, functional grammar shifts the focus from grammar as a set of isolated rules to understanding how language functions within different contexts. This approach highlights the communicative purpose of language. By exploring how different grammatical choices convey nuances and intentions, learners gain a deeper understanding of language's expressive power. Functional grammar encourages the development of writing skills that resonate with the reader and fulfill the writer's communicative intent.

The grammar of multiliteracies takes a more contemporary approach, acknowledging the evolving landscape of communication. In this approach, grammar is seen as a tool for navigating various modes of communication, including written, visual, and digital. Multiliteracies recognize that different modes of communication require different grammatical conventions. For example, writing for social media demands brevity and visual elements, while academic writing necessitates a structured and formal approach.

These approaches have not only shaped my own writing skills but have also influenced my teaching methodology. By incorporating traditional grammar, I ensure my students have a solid foundation in language mechanics. Functional grammar allows me to guide them in using language effectively for varied purposes. Furthermore, embracing the grammar of multiliteracies equips my students to navigate the complexities of modern communication platforms.