Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Meaning making through storytelling

Traditional oral literature provides strategies for social and moral interaction. Communication is not restricted to surviving generations; future generations can communicate through narratives. Classroom interactions initiate engagement and interpersonal communication in the form of responses. The use of audio-visuals accompanied with sound effects and music intended to engrain values such as respect for parents, seniors and teachers creates a carefree space for exchange of ideas and concepts. Story telling has been time-tested through many years of interaction and experience. Prosody is a major instrument in most performances, a particular kind of singing which Tedlock has defined as a particular way ‘to bring stress and pitch and pauseinto a fixed relationship to the words.’ (Tedlock 1983:234), and a certain form of parallelism (a term which designates the use of a limited number of repeated formulas, constantly modified with slight variations), are prominent observations in physical and digital storytelling. The dynamism of the use of language as a tool along with dialogue improvisation and intense divine play all through the performance is absorbing.


  • Florencia Rinchese
  • Natalie Jo Anne Diengdoh