Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

learner differences

One dimension of learner differences that is important to address in education is the difference in learning styles. Some students may be visual learners, while others may be auditory or kinesthetic learners.

To address this dimension of difference, it is important to use a variety of literacy strategies that cater to different learning styles. Here are some examples:

Visual learners: For students who learn best through visuals, literacy strategies like using graphic organizers, diagrams, charts, and videos can be effective. Providing visual aids alongside text can help these learners to better understand and retain information.

Auditory learners: For students who learn best through hearing, literacy strategies like reading aloud, audio recordings, and class discussions can be effective. These learners benefit from having information presented in a spoken format and may also benefit from repeating information out loud.

Kinesthetic learners: For students who learn best through movement and hands-on activities, literacy strategies like role-playing, interactive simulations, and physical games can be effective. These learners benefit from activities that allow them to move and manipulate objects while learning.

It is important to note that learners often have a combination of learning styles, so it is beneficial to use a variety of strategies to accommodate all learners in the classroom. Teachers can also help students to identify their preferred learning styles and encourage them to use strategies that work best for them.

  • Natalie Jo Anne Diengdoh