Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

curriculum area

One curriculum area where literacies play a significant role is in the field of science. In particular, the use of scientific writing in research papers is essential for representing academic knowledge.

An example of the power of literacies in science can be seen in a research paper that was published in the journal Nature in 2021. The paper, titled "An ultrafast rechargeable aluminium-ion battery," described a new type of battery that could potentially replace lithium-ion batteries in certain applications.

The role of literacies in this example is twofold. Firstly, the authors of the paper needed to have a deep understanding of the scientific concepts and principles behind the battery in order to conduct the research and develop the technology. Secondly, the authors needed to be able to effectively communicate their findings and the significance of their research to the wider scientific community through their writing.

In order to effectively communicate their research, the authors of the paper used a range of literacies. They employed scientific terminology and notation to accurately describe the chemical reactions that occur within the battery. They also used graphs and diagrams to visually represent their data and findings. Additionally, they used a clear and concise writing style to convey their ideas in a logical and coherent manner.

Overall, this example highlights the importance of literacies in representing academic knowledge in the field of science.

  • Natalie Jo Anne Diengdoh