Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Update #6 Synesthesia through YouTube tutorials

Every minute, Internet is reaching more and more people all over our Planet. The web has come to govern a great amount of spheres in our current World. In the light of this new situation, Internet has pervade in a way that Multimodal literacies pedagogy re invents itself and gives us new tools to teach, learn, and now, to integrate modes in the Synesthetic way that this course videos present.

As an example to explain this multimodal literacies I will use the YouTube tutorials. The youtube platform has several features, one of these is the online tutorial channel where you can find a whole bunch of videos to give you tips or guide you through doing or learning something new, step by step. This tutorials are very helpful and handy ways of learning and sharing knowledge.

The paths of Synesthesia found in this practice, includes almost all the modes, maybe except for the tactile one, which can be considered when using our fingers to get into the web through a device and move around it. Besides all this benefits, it gives information as how many people like or dislike the video, you can download the clip, or save it for watching it later. Personally, I use this tool more and more. It is totally different to call my Mom so she can tell me how to prepare a cake receipt than to use a youtube tutorial where I can watch a person cooking every step, listen to the instructions, read and write down the ingredients, observe the gestures and spatial context to apply in my own kitchen. Besides, you will find a comment feed with opinions and feedback from other people who have already done the cake.

I would like to end this text pointing out the importance of learning in this last course video, the value of the discourse/chat feed that you can also find under each piece of tutorial, and I will definitely begin to use to know my students better.