Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Update #1 Multimodal Communication - Face Time


It has been almost a year since mi daughter, due to her work, moved from Mexico City, to San Luis Potosi State.

Whenever I text, or call her on my cellphone, she instantly calls back via Face Time. At first, I wondered why she did that, but after several weeks I understood that this way, not only could we listen to our tone of voice, but we can both see how we look, we have gesture input and an overall idea of our mood. In addition, we can catch a glimpse of where we are, and even introduce people around us in that precise moment. As we speak we can share any kind of visuals that enrich our conversation.

After completing the first part of this Course, I realized this application includes the seven modes of meaning.

I was born in 1970, when only the telephone and the regular post mail where our means of communication when we were away from home. My experience of communicating back home, when I moved out of my parents’ because of work, was totally different.

If anyone called me, I could argue I was not home to answer, and even if I was actually there, there was no anxiety or concerns experience by the person calling.

On the other hand, if I answered the phone and perhaps I had been crying, I could pretend to be alright, in the end, they couldn’t look at me. So in that aspect we were free and with less remorse.

Another point is that whenever I wanted a dear one to look at a picture, photo, image, or whatever visual, well, I had to send it via mail post. This had a complex but very rewarding process. Choosing the material to be sent to the individual recipient, taking care of its weight in order to purchase the correspondent stamps. Then, going to the post office, making a line, paying and placing the stamps and finally place it in the pertinent container.

You could guess the time frame when it was going to be delivered, but it depended on the zone, post man, or the frequency in which the recipient went to check his PO Box.

Doubtless, the reward was abstract. It had to do with the feeling of giving your time and dedication as a form of sharing, and the other way around; the person that received the mail felt taken into consideration, remembered, special, worth of the process explained above.

Nowadays, you can either personalize an email or send an individual one to many people with an enormous time saving. We can interact and reach more individuals in seconds, speeding up bonds and acquaintances all over the World.

I believe in change, not in “better or worst times” just different. From my point of view each period in time has its own pros and cons.