Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Essential Peer Reviewed Update #3

Find an approach to learning to write that you have encountered, used, or would like to know more about. Describe and analyze the approach using the concepts introduced in this section.

I have been using Scholar several weeks as part of Coursera courses offered by the Univ of Illinois.

I agree completely that Scholar has huge potential for 'New Learning' and learning to write if feedbacks work as they are supposed to.

In my case, I have not yet received a single feedback from peers. Probably it is because of my update, probably because this is a Coursera MOOC course with many students with less enthusiasm? It would be presumably quite different if I am a student enrolled as a regular student at the Univ. of Illinois?

I would like to see some more inputs to stimulate feedbacks and collaborations among the students. Group tasks for example might let students actively seek for peers to collaborate.

Another way is to offer space for ideation, exchange of ideas and co-creations. I carry out workshops on post covid society and using Miro every time. Miro offers an convenient space for such activities even for those who are not so active but want to view what sort of discussions are going on. I miss such a possibility in Scholar when not everybody has time to go through all the updates of the peers.


After I wrote this update some weeks have gone. I try to review peers works as many as possible but it seems rather difficult to get reviews by peers. May be easier to get them via Coursera discussion area?