Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Summative Assessment (Rubrics)

One of the changes in the curriculum is the way the students are being assessed. Before the K to 12 curriculum is being implemented students are grades based on the impression they make to their teacher and the content and relevance of the report they did to the topic at hand. But in the new curriculum, students' performance are being assessed usually with the used of rubrics. Since the K t o12 curriculum is a learner centered curriculum, how they are graded is an information that the students has the right to know and ask. One of the advantages of using rubrics in assessment is that, it helps clarigy 1. how the learners will be graded, 2. what the teacher is expecting of the learners to show and 3. helps the teachers and learners meet half way on what they can and what he/she expects / requires them to execute. Though it is easier to provide scores with the use of rubrics, the learners' creativity is being limited to the standard that is being set in the rubrics. It also limits the teacher on the information that they want and thinks is important to convey to students.Below is a link for further understanding of rubrics as an assessment.