Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Every child is different

Each student is different, be it on their biological aspect or on their intellectual capabilities or other aspects. 

Since I am a Grade 8 teacher, I would chose to discuss the individual differences of the students based on their multiple intelligence. Multiple intelligece inside the classroom speaks of students who are good at dancing, singing, art, speech, intelligent (cognitive) and others.

During the regular face toface discussiion, teachers from time to time are encouraged to use differentiated instruction, where assessments of students performance are not homogenous, rather of various nature in order to cater and encourage the students to participate and make use of their own specofoc MI. For example an activity in History class may only be about role playing, the teacher may modifiy it and divide the students into group based on their interests and skills. By doing so, the individual learners , takes part in the activity process of the group.