Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Multiple Intelligence in Students' Activities

In the new curriculum implemented by the Department of Education Philippines, the K to 12 curriculum, the multiple intelligence of students are being tapped. Here, students are not assessed only by their intelligence or ability in recall and memorization but students are also assessed by on their talents and natural skills which is evident and observed through their behaviors in class. Now these activities would include their skills and interesets in visual (painting, drawing and arts), tactile and gestural (dancing, role playing). 

Tactile, gestural and spatial is also evidently present in subjects that entails experiments, hands on and applications of learnings most likely in subjects like Science, Technology and Livelihood Education, Mathematics and MAPEH.

But since the schools worldwide are suffering from the consequences of this COVID-19 pandemic, this multimodal literacies are limited due to local situations and health protocols being implemented. School's preference on distance learning also affects such.