Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Audio Learning

I have read an article that says children can listen to and talk about much more complex ideas than they can read about. In addition to the research, anyone who has ever read a bedtime story to a preschooler knows that listening comprehension is more sophisticated than reading comprehension. It proves that our background is important to learn a new one. If we don't know the meaning of words that we listen we neither understand the text nor we imagine it. So when we prepare a listening activity we need to do prelistening activities. We must support visual materials, give information about the content of the text. So our students will understand what they will listen to.

As an English teacher, I give importance to use images while teaching new words. Also,I prepare prereading and prelistening activities before reading and listening. I see that if my students have known words that they listen a text they can understand them more easily.

In sum, vocabulary is very important to develop our language skills. Listening new language at an early age is develop vocabulary knowledge.

  • Emmanuel Oni