Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Peer-graded Assignment: Learner differences

>> Take one dimension of learner differences. What are the most appropriate literacies strategies to address this dimension of difference?

Make an update of 300 words or more:

One dimension of learner differences is difference intelligence types, based on Howard Garnder's theory of multiple intelligences. While some people learn better through writing, others learn better through listening, for instance. To address this dimension of learner differences, it is important to use the synaesthesia model and design a literacies strategy that targets the area that best fulfills the requirements for each individual learner and their intelligence type. For instance, a learning strategy that can be used for learners that show linguistic intelligence would be to work more with texts and focus on the importance and mechanics of language. For those learners who show Spatial Intelligence, methods of learning including engaging with different dimensions and shapes, such as by playing with puzzles, might be the best alternative.