Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Peer-graded Assignment: Favourite multimodal communication site

>> Make an update of 300 words or more: Describe an important site of multimodal communication in your life, or your students' lives. How might a multimodal analysis of meaning prove useful? How does this compare with traditional notions of literacy?

MyTutor is a great platform in terms of the multimodal learning possibilities it provides. I tutor my regular tutees there as it provides an interactive lesson space that allows the use of drawing and textbook tools and permits video sharing during the tutorial. It has been recently updated to allow Youtube videos to be added on it. It moreover. It's a great site that has made a big difference in my tutoring career.

A multimodal approach to meaning-making opens up the horizons for a young learner by making them aware of the wealth of human experience by prompting them to engage all their 5 senses when learning though the use of synaesthesia. A learner, especially a child, can thus arguably appreciate the wide spectrum of experience, of real life too, better than children who are only told to learn through written means: a child, for instance, can grow up to appreciate the input of sounds, build greater sensitivity regarding the importance of gestures, images and space. This can be big step up for the generations of the past, who feel that their experience is limited by having to just read things, either on a page or on a screen.

A multimodal approach through the use of synaesthesia also helps to consolidate the knowledge better for the learner. The more senses that are involved, the longer the engagement is, and this guarantees, according to research, a greater understanding most of the time.