Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Practice Peer-graded Assignment: Optional Peer Reviewed Update #9

Technology is now an integral part of our lives in this post-modern world. In the education sector, all facets of technology are gaining ground. Modern technology offers sufficient resources that can not only promote teaching in the classroom, but also allow the teacher to control and measure the academic success of the students.Although the conventional mechanism of evaluation of the success of students does not cope with the convergence of new teaching-learning technologies. In the side of the instructor, more pressure comes from monitoring their success and appraisal. Knowing the attitude of the learners is a difficulty.

With respect to the aid of technologies in interpreting students' brains, Jim Minstrell and Earl Huntand created a method called Diagnoser, which is a software intended to give teachers insight into the intellectual understanding of the subject by students. A series of questions were posed by the software that sought to test deep comprehension. This is not to get a response, but to consider the mechanism by which the student gets the answer they have selected.Via this, we will understand how the students came to their conclusion. Through this, we will change our teaching approach. A bid data model can be an additional method for student evaluation in today's machine mediated learning environment. The flip of the questions and answers will offer the students' level of understanding. Calibrated Big Data approaches can give reliable measurement outcomes.

This tool is different from a conventional approach in which the instructor is continuously watching the student shift in a single session, which will adapt to the needs of the particular student as necessary. Technology does not function normatively, which is really necessary for human beings to be raised. Their effectiveness relies on the importance and expertise of the teachers who provide education.