Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Peer-graded Assignment: Essential Peer Reviewed Update #6

Various teaching tools can be very useful in strengthening the method of quality teaching and learning. The current style of teaching-learning method is very adaptive to students of this generation. One of the curriculum tools that connects reading and writing with audio and/or oral meanings is project-based learning. It takes concrete plans and preparation to implement the entire operation. This style of model of learning is for the learners, for the students and for the learners.

Project-based learning helps learners to connect reading and writing with audio and/or oral meanings. Various versions and ways of performing project-based learning exist. In the new model , students need to be in separate classes first. A subject and study on that topic will be chosen by each group of students. The teacher wants to support the students in identifying relevant topics for study.Students are able to give presentations and discuss their work after undertaking research. Each group's stance and statement must be provided with sufficient proof of their position and claims by power point slides, a video or other audio / visual media.Other students can remember all the points in the introduction and debate so that they can come up with stronger opinions on the issue discussed by each party. This model of learning is very robust and based on multimodal literacy. The teacher's position is the facilitator and moderator of the whole process.When many students will want to firmly assert their views, it is hard to channel all the process. To sum up their points and assertions, they will come up with novel practices. Ultimately, they themselves will learn the best thing from the process.

Thus, through project-based learning, the teaching-learning process can be improved by a powerful curriculum resource that links reading and writing with audio and/or oral definitions.