Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Connecting to the world

Connecting using Mutimodal text or materials conveys message to connect the product to the people or the customers.Using Pictures, grapics and catchy taglines to promote and to get attention and connection the the mass. According to an article posted by Victoria State Government - Education and training, Multimodality do​​es not necessarily mean use of technology, and multimodal texts can be paper-based, live, or digital.Students need to understand how authors can control and use the unique semiotic resources available in​​​ each different mode used in a multimodal text. Currently, the Victorian Curriculum organises teaching about language around three types of meaning organised as sub-stands: Expressing and developing ideas; Language for interaction; and Text structure and organisation. Similarly, teaching meaning making in other modes can be approached through three sub-strands.

The complexity of the relationships between the various meaning or semiotic systems in a text increases proportionately with the number of modes involved. For example, a film text is a more complex multimodal text ​​than a poster as it dynamically combines the semiotic systems of moving image, audio, spoken language, written language, space, and gesture (acting) to convey meaning.