Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Blended Learning: A Massive Approach to Continuing Education

As school suspends actual classroom face-to-face education this school year, our Department of Education mandates education to continue despite the pandemic crisis. And the way to do this is through blended learning – a combination of online learning and (partly) face-to-face interaction. The issue now is the socio-economic differences among learners in the public school. Considering the status of most learners, continuing education would likely become a disappointment as most learners do not have the tools to access online materials much less interact with their peers and teachers online. Partial face-to-face classes in the actual classroom and printed modules to be distributed were also proposed for those who could not afford the online platforms.

In as much as learners with different background and differences would like to pick their learning style preferences, the availability of the media is farfetched. Online learning will be the new normal in education although this is not a new avenue. Online learning or distant learning has begun as early as the internet was invented but only limited to a few groups like professionals for their continuing study without sacrificing their jobs or saving travel time. But, having the scenario of massive online learning all at once beginning this August among elementary to high school has never been done in the past.

Whether it may be online classroom or modular face-to-face instruction, we are encouraged to follow the Alternative Delivery Mode, a flexible learning philosophy and a curricular delivery program that includes non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills [!.pdf]. Modalities in every activity and assessment are encouraged according to the availability and preferences of each learner.

This literacy strategy is yet to be tested extensively considering the vast variables of dimension of learner differences. So, we wait and see for the actual result of this program.