Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Update #3 Making Meaning by Writing Personal Diary

Writing is indeed an important human resource of expression, memory, learning and development. Since we understood ourselves as thinkings subjects, we intended to register happenings and thoughts that crosses our minds. It started with drawings in a cave wall and today we can not only draw, but write through precise graphic and alphabetical systems adding other meaning modes to express what we want due to the developmente of the press with Gutemberg and lately the technology and the internet.

Today we have many writing genres, purposes and ways to compose writings. One of these that one might consider extremely valuable to the development of circumstances and understanding of human social behaviour and history in general are personal diaries written by people in times of disgrace and misfortune. Those people, who choose to write down their feelings, their thoughts, their routine into papers, lately had published or by themselves in life, either discovered by strangers after their death, showed to the world how they were living and fighting to surviving against the melindrous situations.

One of the most famous diary known is Anne Frank's Diary. During the Holocaust, while Frank and her family were hidden in a german's house, the young jew girl kept writing about their routine for two years, registering the horror of seeing their friends being killed by nazis and had been forced to starvation, fear and uncertainty. 

Evidently, having this personal and detailed memories of the war nowadays, helps us to understand better the point of view of the victims of the Holocaust being telled by one of them, not just the point of view of the official documents, reading about their feelings and fears, we are constantly making meaning about the subjects involved in this situation - the ones who kept them hidden, the girl and her family, how they were forced into this -  and comprehending better the horror of the war. 

Another example of meaning making by diaries is the book Child of the Dark - The Diary of Carolina Maria, written by Carolina de Jesus, a brazilian that used to keep a diary about her life in a slum. She was a poor black lady who used to pick paper on the streets and sell to recycling companies to survive and wrote about her life on old notebooks she found. Later, a reporter discover her writings and compiled them in a book. The book was sold in 40 countries and its income helped Carolina de Jesus live a better life with her kids. She moved from the slum and wrote many other books.

In this case, the meaning making is built by solid and close understanding of the life on slums the readers can get while reading the book. It is a rich material to reflecting point as poverty and richness, racism, sexism, globalization, social inequality, power and politics. 

Although these genre in specific does not match all the points in the writing process - for instance, the planning and drafting phases, on diaries they don't necessarily occur, once that personal diaries are written as the thoughts come, in a fluid and linear construction of the text - the other points, as reviewing, revising and publish, in the cases of Anne Frank and Carolina's happened, because they were actually published and sold to the public.

Of course, the cognitive interactions in writing were individual, specific, empirical expression, more than social, as it was said, because the authors were writing about their own lives. These two examples briefly analysed here do not were written on internet, therefore we can question about its multiliteracies, but undoubtely they brought along marks of the multiliteracties grammar.

They intend to dialogue, even that at first, it seemed to dialogue only with its own author, many years later, we discovered they dialogue with many other people, through the facts and happenings. Nowadays, for instance, we can read Anne Frank's diary and we can try to understand how it felt being isolated form the world with the COVid-19 pandemic. The diaries also have some structure that held the facts together, builting memories and scenes, they situate other meanings by describing the reality, the shapes of their houses, the smells they felt, and lastly they had an intention, they intend to do something, was it only to keep their memories or to alleviate themselves from the pain and suffering they were going through.

Link to Anne Frank's Diary:

Link to Carolina de Jesus' Diary:

  • Irene Venus