Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Multimodal Fiction Text in Pedagogical Stylistics

Contemporary fictional texts exploit a wide range of modes to convey information. Multimodal texts are accompanied by images, photographs, diagrams, the print enhanced by a variety of font size and shape, layout and design in general. The innovative amalgamation of verbal and non-verbal means ensures the fullest interpretation of the text. The role of image increases, not only as a means of transmitting information in fiction, but as a means of literary communication. It’s obvious that iconic information is better perceived and remembered. Moreover, non-verbal (paragraphemic) means play a significant role in organization of the text and its communicative pragmatic aspect (E. Bearne, C. Charles, A. Gibbons, I. Karlsson, K.M. O'Halloran, B.A. Smith, E. Ventola).

The active introduction of paragraphemic means to the structure and semantics of the text effects its interpretation. The author's mode shirting stirs the reader's curiosity. The reader, thus, is engaged into meaning decoding.

The applied inclination of pedagogical stylistics allow students as reader to analyze multimodal poetics and interpretative strategies to understand the fictional text a coherent semantic whole.

Among the vivid examples of multimodal fictiona texts I would like to single out "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by J. S. Foer and “A Visit From The Goon Squad” by Jennifer Egan.