Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Running and moment of learning in a community of practice

Let's imagine a group of passionate runners who regularly gather at a local park to train and improve their fitness together. This community also exemplifies different dynamics in the learning process.

During a running session, as the group runs laps around the park, a new member, let's call her Linh, decides to try out a new running technique she read about in a sports magazine. As Linh implements this technique, other members of the group, like Trung, not only help Linh better understand the technique but also encourage her and share their own experiences.

Here are the dynamics of learning in this community:

Knowledge Sharing: Trung, as an experienced member, shares knowledge and techniques on how to run effectively. These tips help Linh better understand how to perform the technique and improve her running performance.

Team Support: During the run, other members of the group act not only as guides but also as encouragers and supporters to Linh. This support helps Linh overcome difficulties and boosts her confidence in her abilities.

Feedback and Adjustment: As Linh tries out the new technique, other members may provide feedback and suggestions for her to adjust her approach. These tips help Linh refine and perfect her running technique over time.

Individual and Group Goals: Linh's personal running goals are supported and stimulated by the group's collective goal of improving health and fitness. The combination of personal and group goals creates strong motivation for Linh and other members of the group.

Through these dynamics, the running community is not only a place where individuals can improve their personal fitness but also a shared learning and development environment, where knowledge sharing, team support, and individual goals are respected and encouraged.

  • Chynna Monica Chung