Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Take one key concept of behaviorism, define it and provide an example of this concept in practice. Or, analyze an example of an intelligence test – a whole test, or some questions from a test. What is the test used for? What are its uses and limits?

One key concept of behaviorism is "operant conditioning." Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened or weakened by the consequences that follow it.

In operant conditioning, behaviors are shaped through reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement increases the likelihood that a behavior will occur again in the future, while punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.

An example of operant conditioning in practice is the training of a dog using a reward system. Suppose a dog owner wants to teach their dog to sit on command:

Positive Reinforcement: Every time the dog sits on command, the owner immediately rewards the behavior with a treat and verbal praise. The treat serves as a positive reinforcer, making it more likely that the dog will sit again in the future when given the command.