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What are the institutional uses to which quantitative psychology can be put? What do you consider to be its strengths and limitations?

Quantitative psychology, or quantity psychology, is a subfield of scientific study that focuses on mathematical modeling, research design and methodology, and statistical analyses of human traits and psychological processes. Quantitative psychologists explore traditional and novel methods of psychometrics, a research area that deals with the theory and technique of psychological measurement. In general, quantitative psychologists help create methods for all psychologists to test their hypotheses. (Classification of Instructional Programs – Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology)

Differences quantitative and qualitative research.

Qualitative and quantitative research can be clearly distinguished from each other. The former method takes into account subjective experiences and opinions, thus leaving room for a flexible approach to the object of research. Quantitative research, on the other hand, is more static and designed to test pre-determined hypotheses. The two research methods are often defined as opposites, but can be combined to produce meaningful and comprehensive research results (Schreier, 2003)

Quantitative research methods can be used to reach large, representative groups. The selection of the appropriate method for a research subject succeeds under consideration of advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches.

The following quantitative methods are used in research:

-Standardized survey - using closed and multiple-choice questions (e.g., as an (online) questionnaire,

expert interview or group discussion)

-Standardized observation - of behavioral patterns

-Experiments and trials - for numerical data collection

-Quantitative content analysis - capturing measurable data such as text and images

Infos taken from: https://www.qualtrics.com/de/erlebnismanagement/marktforschung/quantitative-forschung/

What are the strengths and limitations to quantitative methods? Quantitative research offers many advantages:


-Objectivity and comparability

-Fast processing of large amounts of data

-Low time and cost requirements

-Simple implementation

-Localization of causes of potential problems

However, data collection based on purely quantitative research is also subject to criticism. In principle, only general findings can be obtained, and complex problems and their causes may not be comprehensively recorded. Also, the standardized research design takes little or no account of the individuality of the respondents. Closed questions leave no room for formulated, complex answers or suggestions for improvement. Accordingly, it should be well planned which research method is suitable for the respective field of application (Schreier, 2003)

Schreier, M. 2003 Einführung in die Psychologische Methodenlehre - Skript zur Vorlesung)

(Classification of Instructional Programs – Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology)
