e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Discussion Forum: Essential Update #3

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Multimodal literacy, first proposed by Jewitt and Kress (2003) , is about

understanding the different ways of knowledge representation and meaning

making. It “focuses on the design of discourse by investigating the contributions of specific semiotic resources (e.g. language, gesture, images) co-deployed across various modalities (e.g. visual, aural, somatic), as well as their interaction and integration in constructing a coherent text.”

Lim, F. V. , K.L. O’Halloran, S. Tan and M.K.L. E (2015: 917), ‘Teaching Visual Texts with Multimodal Analysis Software’, Educational Technology Research and Development 63(6), 915–935.

“The multimodal approach takes into account how linguistic and visual (and other) choices fulfill the purposes of the text, the audience and context, and how those choices work together in the organisation and development of information and ideas.”

Lim, F. V. & Tan, K.Y.S. (2017). Multimodal Translational Research: Teaching Visual Texts. IN Seizov, O. & Wildfeuer, J. (EDS.), New Studies in Multimodality: Conceptual and Methodological Elaborations (PP.175-200). London/New York: Bloomsbury.

Based on this updated definition, we can no longer stand in front of the classroom and lecture from there. Students are reflective and so willing to express what´s on their mind or their opinion. That used in the learning environment can become engaging into making the class interesting and fun to them. However, we are talking about students with full faculty of their abilities. I came across the need to rely on this multimodal approach method because last year we have a set of twins with an impairment. Having to look for new ways to work with them too so that they could learn became challenging to me as well. Well it not only became a challenge for me but for classmates too, we are closing on the school year and I’m glad that I was able to work with them and these concepts, because as I watched the videos and read about the topic I could totally relate to what the point is and what we want to achieve with this new eTechnologies. With the focusing of all new intelligences we get involve in these learning methods. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/ETPC-02-2017-0018 .

I found this article and I would like to share it with this community http://www.ugr.es/~portalin/articulos/PL_numero22/16%20%20Carmen%20Gregori.pdf

Great tips are found around the web https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/549720698246367224/ that help you become good on your teaching methods, we are achieving more since it does require an extra effort, but at the end the results are amazing and the satisfaction is even greater.

  • Monica Adriana Villalana Astorga