e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Distance learning

"Distance learning is the process of transferring knowledge to the learner at his place of residence or work instead of the learner moving to the educational institution ,and is built on the basis of the delivery of knowledge, skills and educational materials to the learner through different technical media and methods where the learner is far or separate from teacher or the person in charge of the educational process, technology is used to fill the gap between both parties, simulating face-to-face communication"( unesco,2020)

The most important benefits appear in the ability of distance education to face the challenges related to classroom education, as the absence of the student from the lesson time does not affect it, and distance education reduces the waste of time and money in order to reach the school or university, and it also enhances aspects of self-responsibility When the student is in self-discipline, the student is given a greater opportunity to expand the sources of education.