e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates


Games have become popular and prominent in everyday life. The reason for this is because games contain elements and mechanics that create engagement, collaboration, best learning experience and this hence motivates people to continue to play games more (Al-Azawi, Al-Faliti and Al-Blushi, 2019). (stats for playing games). Being praised for providing the best learning experience, it is now becoming popular in education. Educational games have the sole purpose of teaching students about content and skills. They have been seen as an aid to the current teaching method. The traditional method of teaching and learning is now not as effective as it was before. With students saying that they would rather play games than attend class. This digital world has also had an impact in the education industry. From e-textbooks and e-learning making learning possible to be done anywhere in the world. Educators have come up with the term gamification. Gamification is the application of gaming elements in a non-gaming environment. Examples of gamified platforms include Kahoot and others which are being used in classes today. This allows for international collaboration of learning and encourages students to participate in learning and motivates them to learn more. The elements points, badges, avatars. This paper looks into discussing Gamifcation in education, the benefits and challenges of gamification in education. Technological developments.