e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

a recursive feedback concept

"Feedback is important for learning. However, there are different types of feedback, and not all feedback is effective. Here we introduce recursive feedback (RF), which occurs when tutors observe their pupils use what they have been taught. Two experiments examined the value of RF during learning by teaching. In the first study adults taught another adult face to face about human biology. Those participants who observed their pupil interact with an examiner exhibited superior learning relative to individuals in several control conditions that included elements of learning by teaching but not RF. The second study examined whether RF benefits extend to teaching computerized teachable agents in regular classrooms. High school students played games in which they induced logical rules. Students taught their agent the governing rules. They received RF when they observed their teachable agent play a prediction game against a second competitor agent. On a posttest, these students exhibited greater abilities to use logic to solve novel problems compared to students in control conditions who received direct feedback by playing against the competitor agent themselves. RF may further generalize to nonteaching situations that also involve a production–appropriation cycle, such as do-it-yourself projects in which people have a chance to learn from how other people take up their handiwork."

So as you see the recursive feedback is a great way in learning which will help students to improve their skills. Imagine how is it useful for them when you give them a chance to practice peer and peer feedback then self-feedback before you give them your feedback, you can measure how they improved .

During the course you can practice recursive feedback as a Continuous assessment(the system in which the quality of a student`s work is judged by various pieces of work during a course and not by one final exam).

Continuous assessment means assessing aspects of learners' language throughout their course and then producing a final evaluation result from these assessments. It can be compared with a final or summative assessment, which only assesses the learner at the end of the course. Continuous assessment often provides a more accurate and complete picture of the learner's level and has a positive impact on learning.


The learners are giving mini-presentations on their favourite films as a follow-up activity after reading about the history of cinema. Then they exchange their presentations to give each other their notes after that the teacher evaluates their presentations and uses the results as part of their final result.





  • Abdullah Alsufyani