e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Intrinsic Motivation and Ways for Teachers to Instigate it to Reach Metacognition.

Intrinsic motivation is a type of motivation that is derived from the inside of a person; a student acts to achieve their own satisfaction while not expecting any kind of external rewards; grades or praise. When a student learns and knows that learning helps them to achieve inner happiness, this can be a powerful recipe for success and it proves that the student to some degree maybe aware of how learning can lead to their growth, this is why it brings them joy and satisfaction to succeed in acquiring the targeted knowledge.

Bain (2004) mentions numbers of research-based strategies that a teacher can use to instigate inner motivate on their students, as making sure to engage the students one way to achieve this is by using active learning techniques. 
Also, building student-teacher relationships. Once teachers go beyond preparing the lesson content only and learn about each of the students and invest in their performance, students will be personally encouraged and invested in the quality of their performance.
Another thing to keep in mind is to contextualize information. which involves using examples to show students why their performance and comprehension of the content is valuable beyond the learning experience. 
Also, teacher have to create realistic learning goals (outcomes). By identifying the goals that a student is expected to achieve, they become aware of their performance.
Testing, grading students' works; tests of assignment; and giving regular feedback helps students to be aware of how well they did or how to improve their work if needed. Once a student is given a grade of a feedback while they're learning, they will be invested to better their achievement and may go beyond text books to get more knowledge or ideas to present their knowledge.