e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Peer review and how it can be useful not only for the student who's getting his worked assessed, but also it help the student who review and assess...

Peer review is an assessment tool where the teacher isn't the only voice as students get involved in assessing each other's work. As it's mentioned in the title of this update, peer review can be useful not only for the student who's getting his worked assessed, but also it help the student who review and assess to have better understanding to what they are asked to do/write and how to presented in the correct way it's supposed to be. For this to be achieved, a teacher must set criteria first and presented to the students so they evaluate the quality of their peers' work based on them. Also, instructions , as for example to be objective when assessing a classmate's work, are crucial to be set before starting reviewing each other's work to ensure the reviews aren't bias. To overcome subjectivity, a teacher can present the students' work to each other anonymously, where each student is given a work for one of his classmate's without showing the name of that student. So, each student's is given a task to review one of their classmates without knowing to whom this work belongs to. With the revolution of technology, there are resources to help a teacher setting a peer review task as for example, Peerceptive website where a teacher and a students can work on a platform dedicated for peer reviewing.
