e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

active learning strategy

This activity is effective because it involves all the students in the classroom. It is

almost considered learning and fun games that I use in my classroom regularly in order

to check their understanding of any topic or any important concept in the lesson. It is

an easy game to make and to play. This game requires a group or more of students

each is consisting from 4_ 6 students. The competing group is required to make some

questions to the other group as a challenge. The questions should be taken out from

the same lesson. They have to write down these questions in cards. After that, each

student is assigned for a specific role in this game. The first student in the group is

supposed to hold the card in the shape of a Fan and say to the other student: Pick a

card ! any card! the student picks a card and reads the question out loud to the third

student. Then the third student has to answer that question. The fourth student is

praising or clapping if the question is answered correctly otherwise he corrects the

mistake. And the game continues but with different roles. The winner is the team that

has the least number of mistakes.

Here are some steps to help you use this activity in your classroom:

Step 1: write down the questions in cards.

Step 2: assign the students' roles.

Step 3: give them clear instructions on how to play and monitor them.

  • Ali Alaamri