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What is a blog ?
A blog is a website or page that is a part of a larger website. Typically, it features articles written in a conversational style with accompanying pictures or videos. Blogging is a fun and flexible way for self-expression and social connection, so it is no wonder blogs have become very popular.
A blog is usually devoted to a subject of interest to a target audience -- such as fashion, politics or information technology. Blogs can be thought of as providing ongoing commentary on a theme. They're intended to engage with a community interested in a topic and the personality or products of the blogger or sponsoring business. Bloggers often pick unique domain names that reflect the topic at hand, such as Not Another Cooking Show, a food blog.

Bloggers control their content and don't have to rely on other outlets to publish their views and connect with an audience. Monetization strategies let bloggers make money from their writing and sometimes build entire careersWhat is a blog post?
A blog post is the piece of content in a blog. Posts are frequently updated and often organized in reverse chronological order with the newest blog post appearing at the top.

Each post covers a subtopic of the blog and links back to the blog itself. For instance, blog site Engadget focuses primarily on technology news and reviews of consumer electronics. Each blog post covers a specific piece of electronic or technology news. But posts on the site also cover topics adjacent to electronics, such as movies and other forms of entertainment that overlap with the tech space. For example, one post looks at a movie dramatization of the popular video game chain GameStop.

Bloggers use their posts to attract audiences and rank high on search engine results. Business blog posts are often used at the beginning of the sales funnel that describes a product buyer's journey. They serve as an audience's introduction to a business and its products. Bloggers can use these posts to build content around more keywords and topical trends that audiences are searching for and turn those visitors into customers.
How do bloggers get paid?
Many early blogs syndicated their content to subscribers using RSS feeds. RSS is a popular type of content distribution tool that's good at generating awareness, but it doesn't provide direct revenue. Bloggers have found other ways to share their work and generate revenue.

Here are five ways bloggers can make money:

Salaried or contracted position. Companies hire bloggers as full-time employees and freelance contractors. In these positions, they often work as part of content marketing or public relations departments and create content about the organization's products or services.
Placing ads on a blog is one of the simplest ways to make money. Like any other website owner, bloggers can sign up for ad networks to place ads on their site or use programmatic advertising. The blogger is paid by impressions, which is every time a visitor views the ad. They also get paid every time a viewer clicks on the ad. In cases of successful blogs like HuffPost, ad networks reach out directly to bloggers with a request to run ads.
Affiliate marketing. Bloggers partner with companies that pay them to promote their products. Often, a company will give the blogger a unique URL to the company's product web page that, when a visitor clicks and makes a purchase through it, pays the blogger a commission.
Sponsored posts. Companies pay bloggers to create content about their brand or product. A blog must have a large enough target audience so that the promotion reaches many viewers. Bloggers also reach out directly to businesses that offer products they'd like to sponsor.
Selling products, services and subscriptions. Many bloggers are businesses or business-minded people who sell digital or physical products. Blogs are a great way to attract an audience to a blogger's products. Bloggers who have established authority as experts or thought leaders in their field often offer personal services and exclusive content to their audience. Bloggers can become coaches and consultants, and offer courses, memberships and subscriptions in which the audience pays them directly for expert counsel or exclusive content. For example, a blogger who writes about finance may offer services to become a customer's financial coach or offer expert advic
Basic structure of the blog :
Steps to create a blog
