e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Active learning

Active learning
Active learning is an educational requirement and a modern trend in modern education, and the distinguished teacher is the one who makes the learning environment attractive to the learner and creates active learning, where the learner is engaged in the learning process throughout the learning period.
It is important for the teacher to be familiar with the strategies of active learning and diversification in applying them with his students.
Therefore, when active learning is present in the learning environment, you find the learner giving, innovating, and participating, unlike what happens in traditional education, which goes in one direction from the teacher to the learner, and the teacher is the only source of information and controls the progress of the class.
Today we live with a modern generation that loves technology, so we employ it positively in active learning processes in order to achieve an education that suits our students and reflects the knowledge we offer in the classroom.