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اهمية العلاقة بين الاباء والمعلمين

The educational process in all its dimensions is an interactive equation whose roles are shared by several parties, the most important of which are the family, the home and the community, so that they all cooperate in performing this message in the best way to reach the desired results, and this is only achieved by strengthening the links between the home and the school. Education is a societal issue in which all parties, including the family, the school, and all members of society and its various institutions must participate.

The educational development programs included new dimensions, the most important of which was giving a greater role to parents to contribute to supporting the educational process through support and continuous follow-up of the educational attainment of their children, as well as supporting the role of the school in the local community, as the school cannot develop its work and achieve its goals and move forward in this way without work An organized and joint plan and effort with parents and local community institutions.

The objectives behind the involvement of parents in the educational process: Improving the academic performance of children, as many educational studies and research confirm the existence of a positive relationship between the participation of parents and the students’ achievement levels, behaviors, and attitudes. Parents’ participation works to increase community support for the educational process. Where parents seek satisfaction, conviction, and full support to support education reform and development plans, by providing moral and material support whenever possible

The role of teachers in this partnership: To understand the goals and reasons for parental participation. To learn individual and group communication skills to use with parents who are in different cultural environments, and the teacher uses a variety of communication methods to provide reports to parents and guardians by sending notes, or by e-mail, telephone, or holding meetings, through the communication book, Or select specific days to meet the parents. Acquiring specific skills in the areas of writing school pamphlets that parents will read, interpreting educational goals and curricula so that parents can understand them, identifying ways in which parents help their children, teachers, and school, and organizing and facilitating parents’ meetings that involve them and give them some responsibilities.

.Inform parents of the level of children’s performance in class, and the teacher should discuss with parents what they can do to raise the level of their children’s achievement, with easy and practical suggestions that parents can implement. School methods to contribute to achieving positive and effective participation between parents and teachers: The school programs should be characterized by providing a series of welcoming activities and a continuous invitation for parents to participate in social activities through which they can benefit from their multiple experiences and the jobs they practice, such as various religious, national and social events.

Continuous development of the relationship between the teacher and the parents by following a communication system that relies on sending multiple messages that highlight the teacher's ability and experience in addressing student behavioral problems. The relationship between the school and parents is characterized by continuous effectiveness when it focuses on showing the positive side of the children’s performance. Parents are not called only when the student encounters a behavioral problem or makes remarks on his academic level. Here, the importance of school planning to develop and activate the relationship itself and for all goals appears.

Notifying parents of their children’s level in a timely manner and cooperating with them to solve their problems. Continuous communication with parents, revitalizing the relationship with them and inviting them to participate in various activities, programs and celebrations. Honoring students who excel in academic achievement and who are distinguished in school activities, in the presence of their parents, as well as honoring parents who cooperate with schools on various occasions.

Paying attention to the treatment of latecomers with the participation of parents. Schools adopting the open day method and week of developing the relationship between home and school, involving parents in this, and activating the role of fathers and mothers’ councils to contribute to strengthening the link between home and school. Organizing seminars, lectures and awareness campaigns for parents to explain the importance of cooperation with schools and its benefits for their students, and clarify the damages resulting from lack of cooperation and communication with schools that are reflected on their children.

How does the parent communicate with the school? – By following up his children at school by visiting them to learn about their academic and behavioral performance. Participation in the membership of the school council and attending its meetings and the meetings of the general assembly of parents of students and teachers. Follow up on homework, through the teachers’ notes, and record his notes in it. Notifying the school of any problem facing children, whether through writing or verbally, and cooperating with the social worker to deal with it in an appropriate educational manner. Giving the necessary information about children who need special care, and cooperating with the social worker in using counseling and educational methods to help them adjust properly.

Respond to the invitation of the school and attend the events it invites; Such as seminars, lectures, associations, councils, exhibitions, theatrical concerts and various sports festivals. Parents expressing their observations about the development of school performance, and contributing to improving the school environment in line with their outlook and future aspirations. Organizing the student’s time so that there is sufficient and appropriate time for studying and another appropriate time for entertainment in useful things. In this aspect, the guardian’s closeness to his children, his follow-up to them, and giving them care is one of the shortest ways to fill the spare hours.

  • Majed Hakami
  • منيره سعيد العتيبي
  • Hanan Aloufi