e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

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Comprehensive study analysis, students are welcomed and supported by classmates as well as classroom professionals and teaching artists. Work together in an inclusive environment.

It is important to remember that students' ability to build relationships is shaped by many things - mental health, class dynamics, culture and identity, etc. It is also important to note that our definition of what constitutes a positive relationship may be different than someone else's, so we must understand and manage our own relationship. Assumptions So we can continue to nurture a stigma-free society that does not assume that students behave in a way that is challenging or disruptive if they do not automatically embrace the structures we are trying to implement. It is also necessary to remember that students' interactions with others may develop from experiences that make building trust and full participation in the community difficult. Students may, for example, have experienced or been experiencing trauma. Therefore, it is crucial to get to know your students and support their individual needs.

It is important for us to collaborate with the other classroom professionals in the room; This starts by assuring them of the value of their participation. Ideally all students, teachers and paraprofessionals should be involved in the work of teaching assistants. Please ask for any relevant push-in service providers during your lessons at the planning meeting. This may allow Classroom Professionals to encourage and enhance the strategies below and help students focus on your class. This conversation can be incorporated into a meeting plan in order to fully engage the adults in the room, either in person or during distance learning.

Some of these strategies may result in high noise levels or need to be modified to accommodate the physical capabilities of the students.