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نظرية التعلم learning theory

Learning theory = learning + theory The idea of ​​learning theory consists of two words learning and theory. Learning can be defined by its concept broad as a process of incremental change: From ignorance to knowledge. From inability to efficiency. From indifference to understanding. You can define a theory as an entity: Provides a general explanation for observations made over time. Describe and predict behavior. It cannot be proven beyond doubt. •Adjustable. 1 And there is sometimes a wide acceptance of the theory for a long time and then reject it in whole or in part Learning theory helps the learner progress from inability to competence. common learning theories They are behavioral, cognitive (cognitive psychology) and constructivist. You will now learn about each theory These theories

     behaviorism . Focuses objectively on apparent behaviors and does not take mental activities into account. It states that learning is nothing but the acquisition of a new behavior or a change in behaviour. • It defines two types of conditioning, each of which causes a different behavioral pattern, namely classical conditioning and behavioral or instrumental conditioning. 

Cognitive Learners learn and store information in mental structures during the acquisition process in order to retrieve it quickly. Developing links between information helps to retrieve it. Selective retrieval of information shapes the response. It is possible to influence the processes of information retrieval and response formation. According to the theory of cognitive psychology (Ma'ar 

Builder A learning theory based on real situations and derived from reality. Learners absorb and build new knowledge based on previous experiences.

  • Mona Almalki