e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

introducing a differentiated learning concept مفهوم التعلم المتمايز

The main principle of differentiated education is that learning is for all students, regardless of their skill level or background. It assumes that each classroom contains students with different academic abilities, learning styles, personalities, interests, background knowledge, experiences and degrees of motivation to learn. Differentiated instruction is essentially the process of teaching students of different abilities in the same class.

differentiated education: It is an education that aims to raise the level of all students, not students who face problems with achievement. It is a school policy that takes into consideration the characteristics of the individual and his previous experiences, and its aim is to increase the capabilities and capabilities of the student. Differentiated education is a policy to provide a suitable learning environment for all students, especially since students differ from each other in several respects: Differences in the home environment. Differences in culture. in expectations from the school. in experiences. In response to the requirements of the study. in ways of perceiving the world.

Differentiated education aims to maximize each student's growth and individual success by responding to his/her distinct learning needs, rather than to the degree and subject matter being learned. Students will choose the method that will suit them and allow them to learn the most. In order to reach differentiation, a teacher will need to apply teaching best practices to create different ways of responding to the diverse learning needs of students, and may start by varying the content, process, or product for each group in the class. With differentiation, core curriculum concepts are distributed to all students, but the complexity of content, learning activities and/or student projects will vary so that all students are appropriately challenged.