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Personalized Learning

Personalized Learning


Personalized learning changes the education model from a one-size-fits-all model to meeting learners’ needs, goals, and interests without committing to time, place, and learning pace. Glossary of Educational Reform [1] defined it as “a diverse variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic-support strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students”.

It can be applied based on many aspects such as: learner’s profile, learning style, background knowledge, and performance. In addition, it can be applied based on the techniques used such as expert systems and machine learning. The use of technology in education has broadened prospects for providing PL for learners. One way of delivering technology-enhanced PL is via intelligent learning systems. These systems help collect and identify learner characteristics, such as prior knowledge, cognitive abilities, and learning styles, thus providing PL tailored to the needs and interests of each learner [2].

Researchers have been interested in personalized learning for a long period of time, but in 2008 interest in this topic increased and many researchers published scientific papers that discuss the concept of personal learning. In this century, big data and learning analytics are poised to transform personalized learning once again.

Fig1[3]: The number of published papers on “personalized learning”
Adaptive learning is one of the terms that has been used interchangeably with personalized learning. The adaptive learning system is to adapt learning content, presentation styles, or learning paths based on individual students’ profiles, learning status, or interest.
However, many other labels such as individualized instruction, self-paced instruction, and personalized instruction were used interchangeably while trying to produce the most suitable description of learning that fits each individual learner.
In general, personalized-learning models adapt the pace, strategies, content, and activities of learning to fit the learner’s strengths, weaknesses, and needs [3].

In my study[2], a personalized gamified recommender system (RS) was developed to help secondary-school students learn computer programming. This recommender system supports those students by providing personalized recommendations to address their weaknesses and increase their motivation toward computer programming. The results showed that the personalized gamified recommender system positively affected the students’ performance in the experimental group and enhanced their motivation toward learning computer programming.


[1] 1https://www.edglossary.org/personalized-learning/

[2] Laila Al-Malki & Maram Meccawy (2022) Investigating Students’ Performance and Motivation in Computer Programming through a Gamified Recommender System, Computers in the Schools, 39:2, 137-162, DOI: 10.1080/07380569.2022.2071229

[3] Shemshack, A., & Spector, J. M. (2020). A systematic literature review of personalized learning terms. Smart Learning Environments, 7(1), 1-20.



  • محمد الغامدي
  • Alley John

    5 Tips to Concentrate While Doing Homework

    Homework has been the nemesis of many students for ages. Yet, there’s no denying the fact that these tasks add value to your career and help you learn the lessons well. You need to learn the correct ways of doing homework and work on the same correctly. Students have always struggled with the tasks and looked for online homework help from experts. They fail to understand the essence and often skip doing the tasks. A major reason students don’t like doing homework is because of the time they need to invest in the process. To help you get things done faster, here are five tips that will help you concentrate while doing homework:

    Keep your study space clean

    You will not be able to concentrate on your tasks if books are scattered everywhere. You need to ensure that the study space is clean. It will help you concentrate on the tasks and complete them quickly. The tasks hold a lot of significance, and you need to work on them properly to learn lessons well. Homework also helps you enhance a lot of skills, making it even more important.

    Remove all distractions

    You must ensure that there are no distractions while you are doing your homework. It is important to keep your mobile phone away and switch off your TV and all other things that might distract you. It will help you concentrate better on the tasks and work on them properly. You will be able to complete your tasks on time and be ahead of the competition.

    Make a routine

    A common problem among students is that they don’t follow a routine. You will be unable to handle the tasks or concentrate on them if you don’t follow a specific routine. If you want to complete the tasks on time without any hurdles, consider making a routine. It will help you overcome the odds and work on the tasks without getting stressed. The do my assignment Australia experts also advise students to make a routine to finish their work on time.

    Take breaks

    Working on the tasks at a stretch will not be fruitful. You must take breaks to concentrate better and complete the tasks on time. Students tend to work on the tasks at a stretch. You will be unable to justify the tasks and will fail to score well in them. You need to understand how homework is essential in your academic career and work on the same accordingly. You can look for assistance from online assignment help experts and sail through the problems easily but understand the essence and try working on them to complete them on time.

    Set deadlines

    You cannot keep things on hold till the last moment. Most students keep the tasks on hold till the last moment and fail to complete them on time. Things will be easier if you set deadlines for yourself and work on the tasks. It will help you concentrate on the tasks and complete them on time. If you have a target in mind, it will boost your chances of completing the tasks on time.

    Homework is a constant in an academic’s career. You will be unable to skip these tasks. It is necessary to find ways to work on the tasks and complete all of them on time. There are various instances where students have failed to complete the tasks or were unable to understand the question. You need to work on the tasks properly for a better understanding of the lessons.

    Summary: The article will help students understand the best ways to concentrate while doing homework. You must implement these tips for better results.

  • ياسر الرشيدي
  • محمد الغامدي