e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Certified learning


To learn the provincial is a path in education that takes into account the locations of strength and interests specified for each student and creates a unique educational experience based on these individual features, and students and teachers work together to create educational plans for the semester, by taking advantage of technologies it is possible to create an educational experience that is compatible with The method of learning for each student while maintaining the encouragement and participation of students without leaving the teachers exhausting.


The purpose of allocated learning is to support students to reach their capabilities by improving their self -educational experiences to suit their needs and requirements, and the success of each academic student, and this goal is achieved by creating unique lessons plans to challenge and inspire each student separately, traditionally the schools took one approach to everyone To learn in the semester, it is logical given the proportions we see in the semester, one teacher responsible for teaching up to 30 children at a time.