e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Multimodal Learning

Multimodal Learning

First of all, e-learning is considered a huge consept of modern learning recently. One major aspect of such type of laerning is Multimodal Learnig. This aspect also has several examples that represent the actual application of that notion.

In the past, learners have always depended on texts, written texts. Orthography has been the best tool of transfering information among learners. some illustrations might be included to explain or to present ideas. Learners grasp knowledge only through books because they were almost the only ways.

On the other hand, oral transformation of knowledge was a means for learners to use. But it required physical attendence and a thorough observation of body language, gestures, tone and face expressions.

After the invention of computer therefore the internet, the multimodal learning evolved and even improved. Learners are to receive information through more interesting endevours. They now would see pictures as well as videos representing a consept or an idea. They can interact visualy and oraly regardless the time nor the place. In a way, this will support learners different mantalities. They should be able to enhance knowledge one way or the other.

Multimodal learning offers the information through various methods, for instance, visiual or video learning and learning games. In my opinion, It depends intirely on computers. It is an addition to orthography and not to replace it by any means. It makes the process of interaction even easier and immediate to some extent.

When a composition regarding "farms'' is proposed, there will be a written text as well as some pictures domonestrating the concept. It will be more digestable if it contained videos, interacive digital materials and games. More sences will be simulated and working together to form a notion to the learner, Synesthesia. Then, the multimodal knowledge representaion is fully implemented and has fulfiled its purpose.



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  • Toyin Owoyemi