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Concept Maps

Concept maps are defined as drawing drawings that have two dimensions, in which the concepts of subjects and academic research are placed hierarchically, so that at the top of the pyramid are placed the basic concept materials with high comprehensiveness and little privacy, and at the base of the pyramid are placed the materials of concepts with little comprehensiveness and high privacy, and these concepts are linked to each other through an understandable relationship.

Concept maps are a way to represent the relationships between different ideas, images, and words, and are used in the fields of planning, teaching, summarizing, and evaluating subjects, and knowing the students' ability to understand and absorb those concepts in them, in addition to testing the student's ability to remember previous concepts.

Types of concept maps:

Network Map

This map is very similar to a spider web, and this map begins with a basic idea in the center, then several sub-topics branch out of it in a radial pattern, and each sub-topic can branch out of smaller sub-ideas, and so on.


A flowchart is one of the types of concept maps, and its use is limited to illustrating practical steps, as it shows the order of steps to be followed, or illustrating results based on following specific options.

Hierarchy diagram

This chart shows the order and degrees of things, and one of its most prominent uses is to define the organizational chart of companies according to the hierarchy, where the roles and position of people are determined according to their levels and jobs.

System Map

It is the most complex type of concept map, as it determines the correlation of all parts of the map and determines the factors affecting them negatively and positively, through arrows that draw signs next to them (+) and (-) to determine the type of effect and the type of link. 1 second of 15 seconds Volume 0% This ad will expire in 11

The importance of concept maps

Linking concepts to each other, and forming a relationship between them.
It can identify concepts that are similar to each other, and separate the different ones.
The ability to distinguish between concepts with close or similar meaning.
Identify important and basic information, branching and side information.
Facilitate the study of the subject, understand it well, and remove confusion in it, and this helps to avoid problems that may occur during the study, and maintain high academic achievement.

Steps to create concept maps:

Identify a complex topic, difficult for the student to understand.
Choose the basic concepts and place them at the top of the pyramid, and the secondary ones at the base of the pyramid, taking into account the correct order for them.
Linking basic concepts to secondary concepts by lines or arrows to serve as a relationship between them, so that they are easy to understand and study.https://youtu.be/teZTrI5oC9I

  • Olla Badry
  • Michael Kunnuji