e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Visual Learning

-Visual Learning

Visual learning style is one of the most widely known styles of learning. The learners with this style of learning are visual learners. They have strong visual perception and visual memory. Such learners are less likely to retain information presented to them through other forms such as auditory processes or interpersonal interaction. Images, pictures, graphs, diagrams, or other visual media are the preferred form of learning content for such learners.

Visual Learning Style Strategies

The quality of a learning process is often measured through the achievement of learning outcomes. The achievement of learning outcomes calls for the adoption of effective strategies for teaching and learning. For visual learners, the strategy should be around the idea of developing learning content in visual form. As individuals, visual learners may adopt certain practices to accelerate their learning. They may add visual attributes such as color highlighting, memory maps, or process-flow diagrams to the content they are learning. Educators may go the extra mile by developing exercises, lectures, and notes with visual features. Exercises on theoretical concepts may involve drawing concept maps for the illustration of concepts. Such exercises would be distinctly helpful in understanding concepts with clarity.

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