e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is interactive educational activities in small groups, where students work with each other to carry out joint activities and tasks and help their colleagues in learning, which is the participation of a number of people in solving a problem through communication and direct or virtual exchange
It is distinguished from others by the fact that it is multi-strategic and not through just one strategy and contributes to building a culture of cooperation between students, participation and exchange of experiences, as well as the diversity of knowledge sources among students
It also helps in increasing the motivation to learn by participating with the group and contributing to learning and education, unlike the traditional learning process, where it is limited to the individual himself and the extent of his readiness and acceptance
Cooperative learning contributes to increasing the social and communicative skills of students, as well as cooperative learning is characterized by that it contributes to the stability of learning and its transition, as the student has two roles, the role of teaching and learning in the same process, thus contributing to the stability of the learning process
Cooperative learning combines the individual growth of the learner and group growth and helps in increasing social behavior and cooperation with other students and contributes to getting rid of negative individual values
Increases the educational motivation of students and makes them feel that they should contribute to
Participate and learn to get the highest scores among other class groups
To complete the process of cooperative learning, it is necessary to set specific conditions and goals for each group so that each student knows his role and how important he is in this group, because the result of the work will be for everyone, therefore, raises his internal motivation to learn