e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Active learning



Active learning is one of the types of modern learning, in which the learner is active and active and has a major role in the educational process through research, perusal, and conducting experiments, whether collective or individual. ..

And it helps the student in understanding the educational material through the reality of the experience on his own or research, unlike the traditional method, so that the student is the recipient only of the information by the teacher.


Among the aspects of active learning, for example, is the volcano lesson. Instead of explaining the lesson and clarifying volcanoes, what they are, and what their characteristics are, etc., we involve the learner in researching himself, looking at sources through the web, getting to know volcanoes, their characteristics and types, writing an article, and benefiting from multimedia through pictures and videos. In this way, the information is entrenched and reached The students are more than the traditional method by virtue of the fact that he researched himself and looked at multiple and diverse sources and formed a kind of knowledge for him

One of the advantages of active learning is that it helps and develops students’ cognitive and collaborative skills, develops research and reading skills, encourages students to cooperate and teamwork, students return to following instructions and work rules, enhances positive competition among learners, and increases the fun of education so that it is outside the old traditional method so that it is only a recipient.

Active learning must employ learner-centered teaching strategies, involve students in defining educational goals, ensure an atmosphere of fun and comfort during learning, diversify learning resources, tools and means, and provide assistance to students whenever they need it through follow-up.


In this video, a simple explanation of active learning on YouTube has been published before MBR University

