e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Ubiquitous learning

With the development of modern technology and the acceleration of knowledge, new educational patterns have emerged that changed the concept of learning and contributed to its development, including e-learning, which appeared in several different forms, including what depends on media, such as video clips, for example YouTube, some of which are audio like podcasts, and some of which are written such as blogs, forums

The development of technology has contributed to providing learning and teaching opportunities for everyone everywhere and at any time, unlike what was previously limited to classrooms or lecture hall and at specific times that may not help everyone and do not give them the opportunity to learn, benefit and develop skills.

One of the advantages of e-learning is that it does not require the presence of a teacher and students in the same place to carry out the educational process as in traditional education. But the entire educational process may take place and the teacher is in one place and students elsewhere.

Among the types of e-learning: simultaneous learning and asynchronous learning

Simultaneous learning requires the presence of the teacher and students at the same time in virtual classrooms, through which the educational process is integrated by discussion, discussion, lesson, receiving students' inquiries and questions directly. It has the advantage of direct nutrition for students.

The teacher may use modern educational means from various sources to communicate his idea and fully clarify his lesson to his students.

Asynchronous learning does not require their presence at the same time. The teacher may prepare his entire lesson, whether through video clips or audio clips. Students enter at different times and review the lesson, but unlike simultaneous learning, discussion and axtaposia do not take place directly between the teacher and students.

Among the strategies of e-learning and its applications:

The inverted or reversed classroom in which students are allowed to survey the subject before they attend the semester and the lesson time is allocated for discussion, projects and exercises.

Knowledge trips across the web, in which the teacher allows students to browse and search educational materials through the official and correct websites prepared by the teacher for the lesson.

As well as Twitter, which is one of the social media by employing it in the educational process by exchanging information and discussions among students by presenting them in a specific hashtag by the teacher or through responses to the teacher's tweets in which opinions and views are exchanged between students.