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peer to peer learning

What is peer to peer learning?

In a corporate setting, peer to peer learning refers to a type of training or education that takes place among employees, rather than being delivered by a manager or external instructor. This type of learning can take many forms, such as employees sharing their expertise and knowledge with one another through informal discussions or mentoring, or by participating in structured training programs together. Peer to peer learning can be an effective way for employees to learn new skills and knowledge, and can also help to build stronger relationships and a more collaborative work environment.

2 reasons why peer to peer learning is important

Your worker's experiences and expertise are in fact one of the most valuable assets to your organization. You should leverage it.

Peer to peer learning offers you the opportunity to use the learning loop as efficiently as possible.

Your employees go through it in four stages:

Gain new knowledge
Apply that newly gained knowledge
Give and receive valuable feedback
Reflect on the process: "What have I learned?"

Peer learning can actually break through the most common barriers to learning and skill-building. Group-based learning is one method to move from independent to interdependent learning (Boud, 1988). Latter is much more effective than learning on your own.

. Increase learner engagement

In our beginner-friendly corporate eLearning guide, we already introduced the "Learning Pyramid" from Michael Simmons to you. In summary, the learning pyramid demonstrates that learning consists not only of passive teaching methods (e.g. lecturing, reading, and listening) but also of active or participatory teaching methods (e.g. discussing, practicing, and teaching others).

2. Improve learning culture

A great learning culture keeps your workers motivated and ambitious in their learning goals.

Especially in a group of like-minded learners, team cohesion ensures that your workers will learn more and share their newly gained knowledge with their peers. In addition, listening to those who achieved outstanding results can be inspiring for every employee.

With peer learning, you will improve team vibes, communication, and collaboration, as a result.