e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Flipped Classroom, Social Media and Cloud Computing

Flipped Classroom:


What is the Flipped classroom?

In flipped classroom teacher can pre- record lecture, post pictures, and linked a video for the students online. Students are responsible to learn before the class and then assist the students as they work through assignments activities or discussions or sometimes feedback during class time.

It’s a great way to consume knowledge. They come back to school with long-term memory answering questions correctly, sharing their information, and having active discussions which could improve their confidence and learning responsibilities. Moreover, It's official because in traditional classrooms it's challenging to monitor 30 learners in the room but with flipped classrooms, teachers can monitor more than one hundred students' work and feedback. Beside it's interesting and didn’t change the learning but it makes more active.


Social media learning


Social Media learning is a good example of active learning and producing a knowledge community. Where the teacher can give his/her students a Question or post a picture. Then, students gave a comment about it. This learning dialogue can be on Twitter, Instagram, .... etc..

the other good thing learners can demonstrate their favorites, create lists, and use media for learning purposes.



Cloud computing:

Learners and instructors need to be ready anytime for sharing work. There are many different platforms and tools to build presentations and submit them. Students can even present them through web conferencing all on the cloud. Years ago, people used the traditional USB could work for education. Sometimes they lose their work because they lost their USB. So it's so official and necessary to have any tool of cloud computing such as SlideRocket or dropbox and Ratatype, which helps students learn to type faster and offers online typing tests to track their progress. Cloud computing is the answer for any business struggling to stay prepared and organized.